Suspicious Emails From Outside of Japan Targeting “SpiderAF”

Phybbit wants to bring to your attention that there are suspicious emails that have been sent from outside of Japan that are targeting the credibility of “SpiderAF”, an ad fraud countermeasure tool developed an provided by Phybbit Co., Ltd.

Although these emails include a prompt to reply to the sender, there is a possibility that these emails are malicious and/or phishing attempts. If you receive a suspicious email about “SpiderAF”, please contact Phybbit as soon as possible.

In the email, it is stated that Phybbit’s service “SpiderAF” does not utilize machine learning and cannot help prevent ad fraud, but this is untrue and has no basis. Phybbit sincerely apologizes to all of their clients for the concern Phybbit has caused. Since such statements are likely to cause rumors and misinformation about Phybbit’s services, Phybbit will work with its legal counsel to take necessary action, such as filing criminal and civil charges.

Phybbit’s internal review of the content in the email notes that some of the language in prior English press releases claimed that SpiderAF is accredited by the Media Rating Council (MRC), a U.S. nonprofit organization that conducts audits and reviews. Within the Japanese version of the press release, it is correctly stated that Phybbit is compliant with the guidelines, but this was not accurately conveyed in the translation into English. Phybbit has reached out to the press outlets and sources that have incorrect information and have requested correction as of June 15, 2020.

The following edits have been requested

Incorrect:Phybbit recently earned accreditation by the US-based Media Rating Council (MRC).

Correct:Phybbit is also compliant with the US-based Media Rating Council (MRC) guidelines.

Phybbit and the SpiderAF team would like to express their sincere apology to anyone involved and will do their best to avoid similar situations in the future.

For more information, please contact-

Phybbit Co., Ltd.

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