

Account-Based Marketing

A marketing strategy that focuses on targeting specific accounts or organizations rather than individual consumers.


Ad Bots

Automated software or scripts that are designed specifically to defraud the online advertising ecosystem, by generating false ad metrics.


Ad Click Farm

A network of devices or accounts used to generate fraudulent clicks on ads, often through the use of bots or other automated means.


Ad Delivery

The process of serving an ad to a target audience.


Ad Fraud

Deceptive practice of generating fraudulent clicks, impressions or conversions in online advertising.


Ad Group

A collection of similar ads within a larger advertising campaign.


Ad Injection

Unauthorized display of ads on websites or apps, without the knowledge or consent of the website/app owner.


Ad Network Fraud

Fraudulent activity by ad networks, to generate revenue for themselves by inflating ad metrics or stealing advertiser budgets.


Ad Position

The location of an ad on a page or screen, which can impact visibility and performance.


Ad Rank

A metric used to determine the position of an ad in a search engine results page or other display environment.


Ad Relevance

The degree to which an ad is relevant and meaningful to its intended audience.


Ad Rotation

The process of rotating different ads in and out of an ad space to improve performance and ensure that each ad gets equal exposure.


Ad Scraping

Stealing ads from legitimate websites to display on low-quality or fraudulent sites, generating revenue for the fraudster.


Ad Stacking

Overlaying multiple ads on top of each other in a single ad unit, to maximize impressions and revenue for the fraudster.


Ad Verify Fraud

Fraudulent manipulation of ad verification systems, to falsely certify that an ad has been displayed to a genuine audience.


Ad Ware

Malicious software that displays unwanted ads on a user's device, often as part of a larger ad fraud scheme.


Advertiser Bot

Bots or scripts that simulate user engagement with an ad, in order to increase impressions, clicks, and conversions, while deceiving the advertiser.


Affiliate Fraud

An illegal action where an affiliate misrepresents an offer to receive commission payments.


App Install Farms

A group of people who install apps to generate revenue for the person or entity behind the app.



A feature that automatically reloads a page after a specified interval.


Automation Tool

A software that automates repetitive tasks.


Behavioral Anomalies

Deviations from typical behavior that may indicate fraud.


Bid Strategy

A plan for determining the maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a given advertising placement or action.



An automated program that can perform tasks on the internet.


Bot Traffic

Automated traffic generated by bots or scripts, often used for ad fraud.



Automated programs that can perform tasks on the internet.


Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors to a website who leave after only viewing a single page.


Broad Match Modifier

A feature in search engine advertising that allows an advertiser to specify keywords that must be included or excluded from a broad match query.


Buyer Persona

A representation of a target customer, based on data and research, used to inform marketing strategies.


Chargeback Fraud

An illegal activity where a customer disputes a legitimate charge with their bank.


Click Farm

A group of people who click on online ads to generate revenue for the person or entity behind the ad.


Click Fraud

Fraudulent clicks generated on online ads, to inflate ad impressions or to generate revenue for the fraudster.


Click Injection

The practice of artificially inflating click counts by injecting fake clicks into a system.


Click Spam

The practice of clicking on ads repeatedly to generate revenue for the person or entity behind the ad.


Client-Side Detection

Detection of fraudulent activity using client-side technologies, such as browser scripts.


Compliance Fraud

Fraud that violates regulatory compliance requirements.


Conversion Fraud

Fraudulent generation of conversions on an ad, for the purpose of receiving commissions or incentives.


Conversion Tracking

The process of tracking and measuring the success of advertising campaigns in terms of conversions or other desired actions.


Cookie Stuffing

Planting cookies on users' computers without their knowledge, to track and fraudulently generate clicks or conversions.



Small text files stored on a user's device by a website, used to remember user preferences or actions.


Cost-per-Mille (CPM)

A pricing model for online advertising, where the advertiser pays for every 1,000 impressions.



A program that automatically navigates and extracts data from websites.


Custom Audience

A target audience defined by a advertiser, based on their own data such as email addresses or website visitors.


Custom Intent Audience

A target audience defined by a advertiser, based on user intent signals such as search terms or web pages visited.


Customer Acquisition

The process of acquiring new customers for a business.


Customer Acquisition Security (CAS)

Security measures taken to prevent fraud during the customer acquisition process.


Customer Lifetime Value

A prediction of the total value a customer will bring to a business over the course of their relationship.



A demand-side platform (DSP) that allows advertisers to buy and manage display and video advertising across various exchanges and inventory sources.


Data Center Traffic

The amount of data being sent and received by a data center.



The practice of scheduling and displaying ads at specific times of the day or days of the week, based on target audience behavior patterns.


Demand Generation

The process of creating and nurturing interest in a product or service, with the goal of generating demand and driving sales.


Direct Traffic

Traffic to a website that comes directly from a user typing the URL into their browser or clicking a bookmark, rather than from an external referral source.


Display Network

A network of websites and apps where display ads can be shown to a target audience.


Domain Spoofing

Faking the domain information of an ad, to trick advertisers into thinking their ads are being shown on a premium website, when in reality they are on a low-quality or fraudulent site.


Dynamic Ad Targeting

The process of showing ads to a target audience based on dynamic criteria such as location, device, or user behavior.


Dynamic Search Ads Targeting

A form of search advertising that automatically generates ads based on a website's content, rather than specific keywords.


Enhanced CPC

A bidding strategy in Google Ads, where the platform automatically adjusts bids to help increase the chances of a conversion.


Exact Match

A keyword match type in search advertising, where ads are only shown when the exact keyword is searched for, without any additional terms.


Excessive Rate Limit

A rate that exceeds a specified limit, indicating potential fraud.


Expanded Text Ads

A type of text-based ad in Google Ads, that offers a longer headline and description compared to traditional text ads.


Facebook Ads Manager

A platform for creating, managing, and analyzing Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.


Facebook Audience Network

A network of partner apps and websites where Facebook ads can be displayed to a target audience.


Facebook Remarketing

The process of showing ads to people who have previously interacted with a business on Facebook, to encourage them to return and complete a desired action.


False Representation

Misrepresentation of information, which can be a form of fraud.


Fraudulent impressions

Impression data that has been manipulated or generated fraudulently.


Frequency Capping

The practice of limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a single user, to avoid over-exposure and increase relevance.


General Invalid Traffic

Traffic that does not meet the criteria for valid traffic, such as being generated by bots.


Hidden/stacked/covered or otherwise intentionally obfuscated ad serving

The practice of serving ads in a way that makes them difficult or impossible to see.



An HTML element that allows a page to be embedded within another page.


Impression Fraud

Fraudulent generation of ad impressions by bots or automated scripts, inflating ad metrics and costing advertisers.


Invalid Impressions

Impressions that do not meet the criteria for valid impressions, such as being generated by bots.


Invalid Malicious Activity

Activity that is determined to be fraudulent and malicious.


Invalid Suspicious Activity

Activity that is suspected to be fraudulent.


Invalid Traffic

Non-human traffic generated by bots, proxy servers or other automated means, that does not represent genuine user engagement.


Invalid Traffic (IVT)

Traffic that does not meet the criteria for valid traffic, such as being generated by bots.
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A Complete Guide to Invalid Traffic (ITV)
A Complete Guide to Invalid Traffic (ITV)


Invalid Visit

A visit to a website that is determined to be fraudulent.


JavaScript Disabled Browser

A browser with JavaScript disabled, which can impact the detection of fraud.


Location Fraud

Fraud that involves manipulating or falsifying location data.


Network Anomalies

Deviations from typical network behavior that may indicate fraudulent activity.


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Fraud

Fraudulent generation of clicks on PPC ads, to increase costs for the advertiser and generate revenue for the fraudster.


Pixel Stuffing

The practice of placing more pixels into an ad space than is specified, leading to a distorted display of the ad.



A server that acts as an intermediary between a user's device and the internet, allowing the user to hide their IP address and location.




Retargeting fraud

Fraudulent activity related to retargeting, such as falsely inflating the number of retargeted impressions.



A program or tool used to extract data from websites automatically.


Serve-Side Detection

Detection of fraudulent activity using server-side technologies, such as server logs.


Skewed BI

Business intelligence data that has been manipulated or is otherwise unreliable.


Skewed Optimization

Optimization that is based on unreliable or manipulated data.


Sophisticated Bot Driven Installs

The use of advanced bots to generate false installs of apps.


Sophisticated Invalid Traffic

Invalid traffic that is generated by advanced bots or other sophisticated methods.


Sophisticated activity-based fraud detection

Advanced fraud detection methods that rely on complex algorithms to analyze user behavior and detect fraudulent activity.


Sourced Traffic

Traffic that originates from a specific source, such as a particular website or channel.



A bot designed to send spam messages automatically.



Faking or falsifying information to trick an advertising system into thinking the fraudster's activity is genuine.


User-Agent Spoofing

The practice of disguising the identity of a user's device or browser by falsifying the user-agent string.


Viewability Fraud

Fraudulent generation of ad impressions that are not actually viewable by users, to inflate ad metrics and revenue for the fraudster.


Viewable ad impression

An ad impression that is counted when at least 50% of the ad's pixels are in view for at least 1 second.


Viewable browser space

The portion of a user's browser window that is visible and can display an ad.


Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A network that uses encryption to protect online privacy and security.