Full Guide: What are Made-for-Advertising (MFA) sites?

Digital advertising’s landscape keeps expanding, opening the doors for Made-for-Advertising (MFA) websites to emerge, thus creating significant concern for advertisers. Such sites severely impact the productiveness and professionalism of advertising campaigns by simply generating revenue through ads without showcasing valuable content to users. Any advertisers wanting to protect their ad budgets and engage audiences should understand how MFAs operate.
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Many don’t realize how widespread MFA websites are — a report by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) says ad fraud costs the industry over $5.8 billion annually. This stat includes traffic from MFA sites and explains their complexity, how they affect display advertising, and the financial toll they take on advertisers. But we’re here to elaborate on how ad fraud detection tools like Spider AF can alleviate these issues.

What are Made-for-Advertising (MFA) Sites?

In short, Made for Advertising websites’ main goal is to host ads and generate revenue from them without offering valuable content to users and instead conjuring traffic through low-quality content optimized for ads. 

Characteristics of MFA Websites

  • Low-Quality Content: The sole purpose of content on MFA sites is to attract ad impressions, so you’ll often find it to be irrelevant, poorly written, or even plagiarized.
  • High Ad Density: You’ll see that more screen space is dedicated to ads than anything else.
  • Misleading Clicks: Most ads are strategically placed to lead users to accidental clicks.

For example, MFA sites often place clickbait headlines while using text from legitimate sources and then load the pages with ads. As we said, the goal is to maximize ad revenue and not inform the audience.

For example, MFA sites often place clickbait headlines while using text from legitimate sources and then load the pages with ads. As we said, the goal is to maximize ad revenue and not inform the audience.

Impact of MFA Websites on Display Advertising

Ad Spend Wastage

A key issue with MFA sites is the wastage of ad spend. Advertisers spend a chunk of their budgets on clicks while not creating genuine user engagement. This is a clear misallocation of budget funds, which does not contribute to the overall success of the ad campaign.

Brand Safety Concerns

As we concluded, MFA sites condone low-quality and possibly inappropriate content, which can severely impact a brand’s image in the long run if it advertises on such pages.

User Experience

No one likes to see dozens of ads pop up on a website page when searching for something. Such intrusive ad experience could lead to slower load times and a generally negative user experience.

Ad Performance Metrics

Many users do not realize how MFA sites skew performance metrics, thus providing misleading data. As we previously noted, click rates might seem productive but are ultimately not meaningful, leading to unwarranted strategies and resources.

The Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem and MFA Sites

The programmatic advertising ecosystem is a digital environment where digital ads are bought and sold in real time through various technological platforms. It includes supply-side platforms (SSPs), which help publishers manage and sell their ad inventory; demand-side platforms (DSPs), which allow advertisers to purchase ad space across multiple exchanges; ad exchanges, which facilitate these transactions; and ad networks, which aggregate ad inventory and sell it to advertisers. 

This system uses automation and machine learning to optimize ad placements and bidding strategies, increasing efficiency but also creating opportunities for fraudulent activities, including the rise of Made-for-Advertising (MFA) sites.

MFA sites continue to exploit gaps in transparency of the programmatic supply chain, despite the efforts of advertisers to understand where their ads are being placed and how their budgets are spent. The focus on brand safety has intensified, leading advertisers to partner with reputable ad networks known for their rigorous vetting processes. However, while big data and advanced analytics enable highly targeted advertising campaigns, they also allow MFA sites to manipulate traffic and deceive

Costs to Advertisers

Made for Advertising sites can take a considerable amount of money out of advertisers' budgets without them even realizing it before it’s too late. Here’s what to pay attention to:

Financial Impact

Advertisers risk losing large chunks of their budget to low-quality traffic, making the financial implications of MFA advertising considerable. For instance, Forrester Consulting did a study determining that an average company loses 20% of its digital ad budget to fraud, which is a sizeable loss.

Opportunity Cost

Allocating budget funds on Made for Advertising sites means losing out on actual opportunities that could bring high-quality placements with better conversions and user engagement. 

ROI Impact

As budget funds are not allocated opportunistically and are therefore wasted on ads that do not perform, the overall return on investment (ROI) is affected. Such situations cause lower profitability and less success when it comes to marketing.

How Spider AF Can Help Detect MFA Websites

If everything we mentioned above is keeping you up at night, then you’re probably looking for a solution to your problems. That’s where Spider AF steps in.

Advanced Detection Algorithms

Spider AF uses advanced algorithms that analyze content quality, traffic patterns, and ad placement strategies to identify and isolate MFA sites and their fraudulent activities. 

Real-Time Monitoring

Spider AF utilizes real-time monitoring that can immediately detect and prevent ad fraud. Such type of surveillance allows advertisers to react without delay to possible threats from MFA sites and other fraudulent sources.

Detailed Reporting

Spider AF relies on its Placement Exclusions Log Page tool to showcase information about websites and domains where ads have been shut out and provide detailed reporting in return. Thanks to this tool, advertisers can review and oversee their placement exclusions to ensure their ads pop up only on secure and applicable sites. [1]

Best Practices for Avoiding MFA Websites

Here are some of the top-performing practices from Spider AF that can help you avoid Made for Advertising sites:

Use Ad Fraud Detection Tools

Spider AF’s tools are the key to continual monitoring and protection against MFA sites as they offer advanced detection services and real-time response, making sure that ad budgets are utilized correctly.

Monitor Ad Performance

You can use Spider AF to review ad performance metrics that recognize atypical patterns, which could possibly lead to MFA sites, on a regular basis. With that in mind, any spikes in clicks or impressions that cannot be adequately interpreted should be investigated ASAP.

Partner with Reputable Ad Networks

One way to ensure the risk of ads appearing on MFA sites is to partner with respected ad networks, predominantly those known for their rigorous publisher vetting processes. Such networks set the seal on high-quality placements and greater audience targeting.

Partnering with reputable ad networks known for their stringent publisher vetting processes can reduce the risk of ads appearing on MFA sites. These networks ensure higher-quality placements and better audience targeting.

Implement Inclusion Lists

Rather than relying solely on exclusion lists, which can be exhaustive and difficult to maintain, advertisers should create and use inclusion lists. These lists contain pre-approved, high-quality websites where ads can be placed, ensuring that ads are shown only on trusted platforms.

Conduct Regular Audits

Perform regular audits of ad campaigns and placements to ensure that ads are being displayed on appropriate and high-quality sites. This helps maintain brand integrity and optimize ad spend.

Educate Your Team

Ensure that your marketing and advertising teams are aware of the risks associated with MFA sites and understand the strategies to mitigate these risks. Continuous education and training can help maintain vigilance and adopt best practices.

Impact on the Environment: The Carbon Footprint of MFA Sites

As the digital advertising landscape evolves, it's crucial to understand the environmental impact of Made-for-Advertising (MFA) websites. These sites not only squander advertising budgets but also significantly contribute to carbon emissions, posing a threat to our planet's health.

MFA sites are known for their high ad density, leading to an increased number of ad requests and page loads. Each of these requests consumes energy, contributing to higher carbon emissions. According to industry data, MFA sites produce 26% more carbon dioxide compared to non-MFA sites.  


Made for Advertising websites are the lead threat to digital advertising as they result in low-quality brands, low-performance metrics, and wasted budgets. Advertisers should know to recognize MFA sites to protect their brand integrity and maximize their ROI at the same time.

This is where tools like Spider AF come in – it offers top-of-the-market protection and real-time monitoring while reporting in detail how to fight against MFA threats effectively. Advertisers will rest assured that their well-budgeted campaigns reach true audiences while delivering improved ad performance and having overall positive results.


Don’t let click fraud drain your ad budget.

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Don’t let click fraud drain your ad budget.